We revitalize lives by improving spinal health.

Dear Patients: 

These are turbulent times!  Per the Governor and Oregon Chiropractic Board, chiropractic offices not utilizing PPE (Personal Protection Equipment—Masks and Gloves) can remain open.  If any procedures require them, we are asked to discontinue those procedures and insure that hospitals are given those supplies.  The closing of dental and veterinarian clinics is not as much as a virus transmission mitigation, it is out of necessity to funnel those supplies to the hospitals. 

With that understanding, we have taken extreme and thorough measures to insure the clinic is sanitized and clean for each and every patient.  Some of these steps include the following: 

  • Regular appointments are now scheduled on the ½ hour.  This insures that patients don’t ‘overlap’ each other while in the clinic, and it gives us time to sanitize all common surfaces between EACH patient.·      

  • We wash our hands with soap and water and follow that up with hand sanitizer before and after every appointment.·      

  • Only the person with the appointment should be coming into the clinic at the time of the appointment.  Family, spouses, drivers, etc should remain in their car or parking lot so to decrease the number of people in the clinic at any given time (minors should be accompanied by ONE parent). 

A few things we would ask of you:      

  • If you have been sick in the last two weeks or around someone else that has been ill please call the clinic to reschedule your appointment.      

  • Please be on time for your appointment and do not come in the clinic until the scheduled time.  This will help us maintain social distancing while in the clinic.      

  • Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer on entering the clinic (provided). 

  • If you need to sneeze or cough (not all are caused by the virus!), please do so in a covered manner (clothing, Kleenex, etc).  Wash and sanitize your hands immediately. 

    We will all get through this!  Practice Social Distancing at home and work. We can all work together to make it more bearable. 


Call or make an appointment online today.


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